Discover the Latest Advancements in Material Quality Control for Additive Manufacturing

Take your additive manufacturing knowledge to the next level by joining our exclusive workshop! Sign up today to explore the latest advancements in material quality control for additive manufacturing and gain valuable insights. You don’t want to miss this event!

Presentations from Leaders in Research & Industry

  • Additive Manufacturing is Multiplicative Manufacturing: Opportunities at the nexus of traditional and novel technologies
  • Powder characterization of Feedstock for Additive Manufacturing
  • Certification & Challenges of Additively Manufactured Components
  • Industrialization of Additive Manufacturing
  • And more!

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Discover our innovative, efficient solutions for your additive manufacturing or powder injection molding process!
Particle Size and Shape Analysis, Elemental Analysis, Heat Treatment, Microstructural Analysis and Hardness Testing – we offer high-quality solutions combined with expert advice and support service worldwide.

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